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在国外读书,如何给教授写邮件? (含样板)




~问好 & 介绍自己 & 和上课有关的问题~

DearDr. Green,

Myname is….. and my student number is…… I am a student in your (course code)class. I am still on the waitlist to enrol to the class. Taking (course code)is very important to me because…..learning about….will really benefit my futurestudies and understanding of (subject). Thank you so much for your help, I amlooking forward to talking this course and learn about (subject) from you.



Name,student number


Faculty of ………

University of ….


HiDr.(Last Name) 如果教授说可以直接叫名字,这里也可以直接写名字

Myname is …. and my student number is……, I am in your (course code) and I have acouple of questions regarding Assignment 1 question 5. Here are myunderstanding of the question and my current solution.




Myunderstanding of the question is and I think…… I am wondering if you think I amon the track to approach the right answer?




Itwould be great if I can make an appointment with you and come in person todiscuss this question with you.I really appreciate your time and effort. Thankyou so much for your help.



Name,student number


Facultyof ………

Universityof ….


DearDr. Green,


Myname is….. and my student number is…… I am a student in your (course code)class. I am deeply apologize about this but earlier yesterday I was not feelingtoo well and I am currently suffering from (describe your sickness) . I amafraid with my current condition, I will not able to make it to tomorrow’s test(quiz, lab). I will have a doctor’s note and all the documentation ready for anofficial absences to attend the make up the tests after I get better . Thankyou so much for your understanding and sorry for the trouble.



Name,student number


Facultyof ………

Universityof ….


DearDr. Green,


Myname is….. and my student number is…… I am a student in your (course code)class. I really enjoyed this course and I am very interested in your researchin …….. I have read your paper on … published in …. and I think it reallymatches my research interests. I am wondering if there are any opportunitiesavailable in your lab for me to work or volunteering? I really want to workwith you and I would really appreciate it if you can give me the opportunity tolearn and gain more experience with you. Thank you very much for your supportand help. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.





Name,student number


Facultyof ………

Universityof ….



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